What we do
Aim and Objectives
FINA aims to represent member Family Inclusion Network organisations from states and territories when making submissions or comments to Commonwealth, State or Territory governments or the media regarding child protection policy, related issues and practices. FINA aims to support and promote the joint interests of children, their parents and family members when a child or children are in out of home care or are at risk of being removed to out-of-home care in circumstances involving but not limited to poverty, destitution, homelessness, sickness, disability, substance use, mental health issues, age and/or a criminal record.
The objects of the association are: -
a. FINA will ensure the genuine and equal participation of parents and significant others with children in state care in all aspects of the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of child protection practices based on the lived experiences of this group.
b. FINA will develop and maintain strong links with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse communities and organisations to ensure the promotion and inclusion of the particular lived experiences of these groups.
c. FINA will provide support to state and territory Family Inclusion Network organisations as they provide support, information, advocacy, advice and resources to parents and family members involved in child protection systems.
d. FINA will promote the partnership and participation in local, national and international research on child protection and related issues.
e. FINA will advocate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to “maintain contact and continuity of relationship with parents and family when in alternative care” be upheld.
f. FINA will advocate the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child to “preserve his or her identity, including nationality, name and family relations as recognised by law without penalty” be upheld.
g. FINA will advance awareness and understanding of the issues confronting families and children when children are placed in out of home care.
h. FINA will advance the respectful inclusion of parents, families and significant others in all child protection processes, advocating for fairness and due process.